About Us
We are Eyoha Cinema and film production.
We have been in the Ethiopian cinema industry since 2013 as having 2 cinema houses in the capital city of Ethiopia Addis Abeba at Mesqel Square. In our two film houses we have been showing all Ethiopian movie films from Monday up to Sunday 4 movies per day. We buy, promote and create an infrastructure for the best and quality films in the country.
Our Main objects
1. To produce, buy, sell, import, export or otherwise deal in cinematographic films, television films, video films and video cassettes.
2. To establish, purchase, take on lease or hire or otherwise acquire and maintain and to sell, give on lease or hire studios, laboratories, cinemas, picture places, halls, theatres, etc. for production, processing and printing of films.
3. To carry on the business of exhibiting and distributing cinematographic films, television films, video films and acquire or selling rights therein.
4. To act as manufacturers, distributors, purchasers and sellers of all kinds of films and to produce and distribute motion pictures and to act as distributors and exhibitors of motion pictures produced by other companies.
5. To carry on the business of film manufacturers, film apparatus manufacturers and film producers.